Friday, July 3, 2020

Understanding Earwax Buildup And How To Prevent It

Understanding Earwax Buildup And How To Prevent It    

Cotton Swabs Must Not Be Used To Remove It    

Earwax, also called cerumen, is a substance that is produced by glands in the ear canal. It protects the ear from infection by keeping it clean and capturing dust and foreign particles, along with the tiny hairs in the ear canal. It also works as a water repellent. It has an auto-cleaning mechanism, in which slowly moves to the outer part of the ear canal, taking away the foreign matter it has collected and falls out while taking a shower, washing the hair, or even while sleeping. However, there are cases in which earwax is produced at a faster rate, which can result in buildup, affecting hearing capacity and cause pain. Also, some people can have narrow ear canals, or from certain angles which will also lead to earwax buildup. Another cause can be the insertion of objects, such as earplugs, hearing aids, or earphones. The earwax buildup gets dry with age, which can result in dizziness, tinnitus, or partial hearing loss. To remove earwax, some people use cotton swabs or other objects, which must be avoided because they can affect the eardrum and push the earwax deeper into the canal. The correct way is using eardrops, ear irrigation, or micro-suction, performed by a specialist. More info click here.


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