Saturday, November 30, 2019

Never Insert Cotton Swabs In Your Ears – Here’s Why

Never Insert Cotton Swabs In Your Ears – Here’s Why    

People use cotton swabs for cleaning their ears, yet are not aware of how dangerous this is. The reason is that small objects like swabs, hairpins, and toothpicks can perforate the eardrums cut the ear canals and even dislocate the hearing bones. This leads to dizziness, tinnitus or another ear injury. More details click here.


Exercise Improves Overall Health And Also Prevents Hearing Loss

Exercise Improves Overall Health And Also Prevents Hearing Loss    

We all agree that exercise is great for maintaining good health. However, it also improves hearing. A study showed that, when exercising, the hair cells and capillaries in the cochlea were lost at a much slower rate than in the case of not exercising. Click here for more info.


Protecting Your Ears From High Volume Noise

Protecting Your Ears From High Volume Noise    

Hearing loss is a serious issue. On the US, it is the third most common physical condition, after arthritis and heart disease. It happens so gradually that it becomes difficult to detect. There are ways to protect from the high volume noises around you, such as staying alert to loud noises, lower the volume on your personal devices, and stay away from high volume sources. Check all the list. More Information click here.


Aging Causes These Changes In Sight And Hearing

Aging Causes These Changes In Sight And Hearing    

As we age, a series of changes occur, in which the senses begin to degrade. In the case of vision, the muscles get weaker resulting in focusing problems, and other conditions appear, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. In the case of the ear, earwax accumulates more easily, the eardrum gets stiffer, and the neural system changes the sound process. More Information click here.


Friday, November 29, 2019

Some Drugs Can Have Dizziness As A Side Effect

Some Drugs Can Have Dizziness As A Side Effect    

Others Do Not Have It But Cause Dizziness Or Vertigo When Combined With Other Meds    

Many drugs have side effects. One of them is dizziness or vertigo. The sense of balance is not only composed of the organs in the inner ears, but also the eyes, which determine body position and movement, and the sensory nerves that communicate with the brain. The meds that can have dizziness as a side effect are antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and diuretics, among others. This side effect may cause falls, bone fractures and contusions, which can be very dangerous for older adults. There are also medications that, even as they do not warn dizziness or vertigo as a side effect, these can be caused by interactions with other medications. Click here for more info.


Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss    

It Is The Most Common Type Of Hearing Loss    

Hearing loss is more common in older adults, but the truth is that it can develop at any age. Causes can be diseases, medication, injuries, or exposure to loud sounds. Noise-induced hearing loss, also called sensorineural hearing loss, is the damage of the hair cells located in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss could be prevented by following certain guidelines, such as avoiding continued exposure to loud noises, such as clubs, music concerts, and headphones. However, there are differences in noise-induced hearing loss. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid hearing them, such as a sudden noise at the workplace, ambulances or sirens, machinery noises, among others. However, if there is ear damage, it can only be assessed after the event, in other words, when it’s too late. There are ways to avoid exposure to loud noises, such as using foam plugs, moving away from the sound source, or even using special earplugs that block the loud noises but allow a conversation. More details click here.


Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries

Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries    

This Occurs Because of The Sense Of Hearing Acts As A Warning System For A Potential Danger    

Hearing loss sufferers have a greater risk of injuries. According to specialists, they are 90% more likely to suffer an injury, compared to people with normal hearing. This occurs because the sense of hearing acts as a warning system for any potential danger, such as a vehicle approaching when crossing the streets, or not hearing a smoke alarm. Previous studies had already shown that hearing loss increased the possibility of injury, but this also included the activity related to the damage, which includes driving, at work, or at leisure activities, such as sport. If hearing loss also affects the inner ear, there can be a malfunction of the balance organs, increasing the risk of falling. Click here for more information.


Using Cotton Swabs To Clean The Ear Canal From Earwax Can Be Very Dangerous

Using Cotton Swabs To Clean The Ear Canal From Earwax Can Be Very Dangerous    

Earwax Is A Self-Cleaning Agent And Its Excess Gets Cleaned While Taking A Shower    

Many people use cotton swabs, also called Q-Tips, for cleaning their ears. However, this is a very bad idea. Instead of cleaning the wax from the ear canal, the swabs push the wax deeper into the ear, increasing the risk of eardrum damage. Also, the eardrum can get perforated if there is an accidental move. In fact, the earwax is a self-cleaning agent that moisturizes and the ear canal and protects the eardrum from bacteria and dirt. The excess earwax gets cleaned while taking a shower. Additional details click here.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure

Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure    

It Can Also Cause Strong Headaches, Tinnitus And Increase The Risk Of Severe Organ Damage    

Labile hypertension occurs when blood pressure fluctuates abnormally. It increases over 130/80 mmHg, which is the definition of hypertension and happens for short periods of time. It is usually caused by stress, such as expecting bad news or going for surgery. The usual symptoms of labile hypertension are strong headaches, tinnitus, heart palpitations, and flushing. The sudden increase in blood pressure also puts excess pressure on other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and eyes, increasing the risk of severe damage. More Information click here.


Undiagnosed Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries, Depression, Excessive Stress, And Fatigue

Undiagnosed Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Injuries, Depression, Excessive Stress, And Fatigue    

Statistics Say That Only 20% Of The People Who Require Hearing Aids Actually Get Them    

Hearing loss is a condition which appears gradually. People tend to compensate for increasing the volume of the TV or asking other people to repeat what they said. In many cases, they are in denial of this condition. However, there comes a moment in which there is an impact on the communication with other people, and the effort in trying to understand them results in fatigue, depression and a sensation of isolation or exclusion, and excessive stress. According to researchers, hearing loss is also related to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and an increase in the risk of injuries by falling, among others. Hearing loss also prevents proper communication. Statistics show that it takes 7 years from the first signs of hearing loss are noticed, until the sufferer understands that he requires an audiological examination, which can reveal something as simple as accumulated wax, or as serious ad a bone complication or even a tumor. However, it gets worse, because only 20% of the people who need hearing aids actually get them. Learn more about undiagnosed hearing loss and its consequences. More Information click here.


New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds

New Treatment For Tinnitus Teaches The Brain To Ignore The Tinnitus Sounds    

It Influences The Brain To Become Familiar With The Sounds    

There is a new therapy for patients with tinnitus. Some patients try to mask the sound using fans, white noise machines, with no success. A new therapy trains the brain to ignore the ringing, making the tinnitus sound more tolerable. The technology emits a sound similar to the patient’s tinnitus, on an iPod, for 90 nights. This influences the brain to become familiar with the sound. The treatment is done at night because the brain becomes more receptive to changes. Additional info click here.


How Can People With Hearing Loss Be Ready For An Emergency

How Can People With Hearing Loss Be Ready For An Emergency    

Use Smoke Detectors And Alert Devices With Visual Warnings, And Inform First Responders Of Disability    

Emergency alerts are usually loud sounds, such as an alarm or a smoke detector. This is a disadvantage for people with hearing loss. There are ways for them to prepare themselves and let know other people that they have this disability. The first thing is to put an emergency kit with extra batteries for hearing aids or chargers, a pen and paper to communicate with others, and emergency index cards to inform others that the person has hearing loss, along with emergency contacts and relevant information, such as other health conditions, medications, and allergies. Also, it is important to use alert devices, such as smoke detectors, with visual warnings, such as strobe lights or mattress vibrators, and also inform the neighbors of hearing loss. In case of an emergency, first responders must be informed clearly of the disability and asked to talk slowly while watching the person with hearing loss. More Information click here.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Meditation Can Help As A Treatment For Tinnitus

Meditation Can Help As A Treatment For Tinnitus    

It Will Clear Your Mind And Makes Tinnitus Episodes Less Noticeable    

Tinnitus can be a real annoyance. One of the ways to treat it is through meditation. It seems easy, but it required practice to clear your thoughts. Among the rules are no moving, and no scratching. The scratch discomfort will eventually go away. The hardest rule is not interacting with the thoughts. These will appear, but it is important to find a way to not to interact with them, such as counting the breaths. This also works if you notice that your mind is wandering and want to clear your thoughts. The tinnitus episodes might appear during the meditation sessions, but after some time they will be less noticeable. Eventually, the body begins to anticipate the tinnitus episodes, and you will be able to prevent them with the meditation session. Additional details click here.


Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure

Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure    

It Causes Poor Blood Irrigation On Inner Ear And Eyes    

If you experience dizziness, the cause might be low blood pressure. Other symptoms are nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, and fainting, among others. Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is below 90/60mmHg. The blood does not irrigate properly certain organs, like the inner ear, causing dizziness and loss of balance, the eyes, which is the cause of blurry vision, and the brain, resulting in fainting. There are ways to deal with it, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day. Click here for more information.